On October 6, the presidents of America and Turkey spoke by phone. There is no transcript of what was said, but the White House issued a press release announcing the decision of Turkey’s president to attack northern Syria, and that of the United States to withdraw...
Single Category Archive
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Cracking Kurdish Heads Soiling American Constitution
Turkish Embassy statement regarding Sheridan Circle attacks on May 16, 2017 and a Kurdish Response Turkish Claim: Groups...
When Germans Kick Ball for Kurdish Freedom!
This is the heartwarming story of how some football players classily poked their fingers into the eye of Turkish...
When a Kurdish Painter Gets in the Crosshairs of Erdogan
He was already world-famous living in Paris, France. She was hardly known outside the circle of her friends living in Mardin,...
Kurds Crack Erdogan’s Islamic Armor
Victory can sometimes spring from the jaws of apparent defeat. That happened last month in Turkey when a pro-government group...
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Is Erdogan a Pinochet After All?
“For a state to endure, it needs more than commerce and security. It needs civic fraternity.” --Aristotle Turks and Kurds have...
Cavusoglu and Me
When two Turkish cabinet members were barred from campaigning for the dictatorship of Turkish President Erdogan in Germany, the...
Will Trump Help Kurds Burn the Treaty of Lausanne?
In his book, The Art of the Deal, Donald Trump shares with his readers a typical hour-by-hour day of phone calls and meetings...