You are cordially invited to watch the acclaimed feature film ZER by award-winning Kurdish director Kazım Öz in two...
Exciting Premier of the Film ZER
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You are cordially invited to watch the acclaimed feature film ZER by award-winning Kurdish director Kazım Öz in two...
An ancient Kurdish love song came alive by way of a beautiful movie in New York City last month. A Kurdish grandmother sang it...
This is the heartwarming story of how some football players classily poked their fingers into the eye of Turkish...
American judges are under a glaring spotlight. They nullified President Trump’s executive order barring citizens of seven...
Aug 9, 2015 Kürt halkına karşı Türklerin bu zalim savaşı bir gün bittiğinde, Kürtlerle savaşırken ölen arkadaşlarınız için ne...