A coup may erupt in Turkey, where half of Middle Eastern Kurds live. At least that’s the prediction of the RAND Corporation, an American think tank. That should alarm those who believe, as I do, that the worst of civilian governments are better than the best of...
Single Category Archive
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Critical Crossroads for Kurds
“To be ignorant of the past is to be forever a child.” —Cicero What is best for the Kurds: Islam or Nationalism? That question...
And the Killing Continues…
September 18, 2016 “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” –Mother Teresa Acclaimed...
Richard Engel and the Kurds
August 21, 2016 Mr. Engel is chief foreign correspondent for NBC News. He has become a household name in America regarding news...
Kurds and American Politics
August 14, 2016 When I first signed up for a Political Science class in college, I took a course on American Government. I...
Caesars—Ancient and Modern
August 11, 2016 “Impious Mars rages through the world: Just as when the chariots stream from the starting gates, Add to their...
Dry Bones Talking
July 1, 2016 The ancient Prophet Ezekiel said the Lord plunked him down in a valley “full of dry bones” and asked him, “Can...
Ali Hammers UN Stooges—Even from the Grave
June 23, 2016 “Anything is better than lies and deceit!” ― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina Is there no limit to the pool of deceit...