Amy Goodman of Democracy Now interviews Kani Xulam on Turkish-American deal to take on the Islamic State…
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Başkan Obama’ya Kısa Bir Not
From Jun 22, 2015 Çek Cumhuriyeti’nin başkenti Prag’da eski ABD Başkanı Woodrow Wilson’ın heykeli var. Kosova...
Memo to President Obama
From June 15, 2015 There is a statue of Woodrow Wilson in Prague, Czech Republic. There is a statue of Bill Clinton in...
Kürtler’in Ermeni soykırımına yaklaşımı nasıl olmalı?
Vicdan sahibi çoğu insan, 1915’te başlayan ve en az 1 milyon Ermeni’nin Osmanlı Türk Devleti tarafından korkunç bir şekilde...
How Should Kurds Address Armenian Genocide?
Most people of conscience feel a frightful crime of unspeakable brutality was executed against more than a million Armenians...
The “Red Scarf” of Socialism, the “Black Flag” of Islam
By KANI XULAM 07/16/2014 Before the black flag of Islamic State (IS) flew over Mosul, the “red scarf of socialism” was dangled...
A Kurd Has an Antidote for Evil
By KANI XULAM 23/6/2014 Do you know Mahmut Alinak? If I strolled down a street in Hawler, Kurdistan, and asked people that very...