

by | Mar 25, 2023 | Articles


July 1–July 24, 2023

Righting a Century-old Wrong

A century ago, a great wrong was committed against the Kurdish people in the name of “peace”. Five years after World War I, on July 24, 1923, the great powers of Europe effectively did away with Kurdistan—while welcoming Poland into the community of nations—when they recognized its four occupied-zones as permanent without the consent of its inhabitants. Two newly created states, British Iraq and French Syria, along with two old ones, Turkey and Iran, were declared the rulers of the Kurdish homeland. Since that time, the plight of the Kurdish people has only taken a turn for the worse.

The European powers called their handiwork the Treaty of Lausanne and hoped it would bring peace to a “new” Middle East. It never did. Instead, the Kurds have been treated as second class citizens or potential criminals by their new rulers.

Today, 100 years later, 50 million Kurds are without a homeland.

In Turkey, they face legal prosecution. In Iran, they face beatings and hangings. In Iraq, they have been gassed like rats. And in Syria, they have been subjected to varied citizenship laws.

Beginning July 1, I am walking from Washington, DC to New York City through the founding heartland of America to call attention to the plight of Kurds and urge the United Nations to appoint a Special Representative to address this 100-year-old injustice. Along the way, with the help of friends walking with me and those online wishing us well, we will pay homage to America’s own experiment in freedom as we highlight our own quest for civil discourse and mutual tolerance in the Middle East.

Civil discourse and mutual tolerance were the goals of Dr. King and Gandhi as well. In walking to Manhattan, we honor them fondly and seek to emulate their example for a better world that accepts and respects all, including the Kurds.

Join us in by calling, emailing or tweeting at your representatives to ask António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, to appoint a Special Representative to address the rights of Kurds in the Middle East.

Unfurl the flag of dignity and liberty across the Middle East!

Contact your elected reps for the appointment of a Special Representative at the United Nations

(If you live outside of the United States, you can still be part of our campaign by urging your reps to do the same.)

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