Single Category Archive

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Crystal Memorial Against Tyranny

Crystal Memorial Against Tyranny

“Democracy is like a bus ride. Once I get to my stop; I get off.” Recep Tayyip Erdogan Kani Xulam May 18, 2016 The Kurds and the Turks were not supposed to fight one another this year. High-level peace talks last year were so promising that a Mandela- style...

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The Plight of the Kurds

Voices From Around the World Monmouth County Library Manalapan, New Jersey Kani Xulam October 3, 2004 Long before the American...

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Of Kurds, Rats and Locusts

The Statement of Kani Xulam St. Cloud State University St. Cloud, Minnesota April 21, 2004 Before the current spike in violence...

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