
Bavê Sparta (Teqrîben BZ 800)(1) L U K O U R G O S by Plutarch Wergêr: Sêîdê Sîsî Lycurgus li Spartayê(2) ahengîyê, sadetîyê û tirûşdarîyê ava kiribû. Ev civaka cengawer li anagorê perwerdedikirinek sîstematîk zarokên xwe ji bo armanceke pêşewayî, firşik, rûhê civakî...

Sîh û Sê Gule û Mustafa Muxlalî

Seîdê Sîsî 21 Cile 2012 Dîroka Kurdan bi şan û şeref, bi derd û elem, bi kul û keder, bi xayintî û bextereşiyan tijî ye. Di kurahiya dîrokê de kalanên me gelek dewlet, kurdemîrî û împaratorîyan saz kirine. Lê ji ber ser sarî û bêsexbîriyê, bi sedema nîyeta paqij...

Is Nonviolent Resistance an Option for the Kurds?

Go see “Min Dit” Kani Xulam December 18, 2011 (A slightly older version of this piece also appeared on earlier today, December 18, 2011.) If you want to see a good Kurdish film that tries to define the complicated Kurdish Question in 102 minutes, go see “Min...

When a Kurdish Boy Meets a German Girl

(A copy of this review also appeared on rudaw, a Kurdish online newspaper.) Kani Xulam November 18, 2011 A new novel about the Kurds has hit the bookstores. Sophie Hardach is its author. She is German, but her book is in English. Because most diaspora Kurds live in...

Arab Spring — The Kurdish Version Is In the Offing

Kani Xulam August 6, 2011 In his victory speech to the party faithful on June 12, 2011, the prime minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was beside himself with joy. For the third time in nine years, his party had scored an impressive electoral victory. The BBC...